St. Patrick’s Day w/ The BA Pub Crawl

The Buenos Aires Pub Crawl St. Patrick's Day Party in Buenos Aires, Argentina
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The Buenos Aires Pub Crawl St. Patrick's Day Party in Buenos Aires, Argentina

St. Patrick’s Day in Buenos Aires is surprisingly a pretty big celebration. They block off the streets downtown in Microcentro and tons of people get in touch with their inner Irishman. Most of the madness is centered around the famous Kilkenny Irish Pub where they put on a huge celebration every year.

However, I decided to venture off in a different direction yesterday and join the Buenos Aires Pub Crawl crew for their annual San Patricio Pub Crawl extravaganza. I have been wanting to get out to one of their events for awhile now and they told me that this was the party I needed to hit. They were right!

I had to man-up though because I had just recovered from the previous nights insanity with the Pub Crawl guys at Hype. It was a huge party at Kika Nightclub where N.A.S.A. spun and some sick MCs free styled. The party was good so I knew I was in for a good time last night.

Despite some heavy rain earlier in the night the bar crawl consisted of more than 300 honorary irishmen (and women) decked out in ridiculous garb and ready to party. There were people from all over the world and a ton actually from the States. It was cool though because got to hear their stories and what brought them to Argentina. Some were just passing through on vacation while others were studying here or transplanting themselves like yours truly.

The night started off at Tazz with free pizza and green beer as everyone registered. After partying there for a about an hour we split off into 2 groups to divide and conquer the quiet Palermo night. At each bar we hit along the way Chris (pictured above) made an announcement about drink specials and then we’d all have a toast and a free shot. I thought that was a nice touch. Although a few choice gems slipped away into the other group the solid thing was, was that at the end of the night everyone met back up for a huge party at Beara Club.

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To me, the best thing about Bar Crawls is the faces of the people sitting at a (then) peaceful bar as 150 crazy drunks stampede inside and invade every inch of space. Most of the people we ran into along the way actually joined the tour which was pretty cool.

Surprisingly, for all the chaos that makes up a bar crawl these guys run a really tight ship. Not like the Gong Show bar crawls we ran back in Fredonia for the Entrepreneur’s Club (although they did make some good money). I don’t know where these guys get the energy to do it 4 nights a week and pretty soon 6 nights but I gotta tip my irish drinking cap to them because they’re doing a solid job.

I finally through in the towel around 5am after a random make-out session and lost puma zip-up.

I woke up the next morning alone in my bed with alfajore wrappers all around me and and a wicked headache. I would like to give you more details about the night but I just can’t remember them all right now.

Cheers fellows and thanks for a great night.

The Buenos Aires Pub Crawl St. Patrick’s Day Photos

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