Things To Do in Sao Paulo, Brazil

things to do in Sao Paulo
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São Paulo, Brazil is the largest city in South America and known for its incredible food, buzzing nightlife and never-ending high-rises.

As I said in the video, I was completely overwhelmed when I arrived in the big Brazilian metropolis, so I enrolled a few of the 11 million plus inhabitants for some help.

The number one thing I would do in Sao Paulo if I had more time would be to eat and drink! There are so many great restaurants and food to try in Sao Paulo.

Here is the advice and recommendations they gave me in regards to things to do in Sao Paulo

Things to do in Sao Paulo (including closest metro stops):

  1. Veloco restaurant for delicious coxinhas, one of the best Brazilian foods!
  2. Breakfast in Padoca – Pao na Chapa / Pao na chapa com requijao midia
  3. Pinocotela Museum and Museu da Casa Brasileira (Estaciao da Luz)
  4. Se Catedral (Se)
  5. Little Japan – Sushi and walking around the city (Liberdade)
  6. Stroll Paulista Ave (Paraiso)
  7. MASP Art Museum (Paraiso)
  8. Beco de Batman street art alley (Vila Madalena)
  9. Mercado Municipal (Sao Bento) for Pastel de bacalau and sanduiche de Martadela
  10. Teraco Italia (In the Italy Building) for the view (take a taxi)
  11. Ibirapuera Park 
  12. Skye Bar, close to Ibirapuera Park (take a taxi)

Eat up…

things to do in Sao Paulo

Watch Sao Paulo in 48 Hours – Travel Deeper Episode #3 Now on YouTube.


5 Responses

  1. Just watched this video because I arrived from Rio into Sampa yesterday! Will be here through the weekend so I need to get some tips from you, and yes that No Reservations episode had me craving Feijoada and now a Mortadella sandwich!

    I’ll be in Rio for 2 more months, if you come through let us all know.

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