Fotoz Friday: A Week in Photos

Monday morning at the ADICLA office, just gearing up for the week
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It’s Friday. I’ve done a lot of talking this week. I’ll leave it to the photos to tell the story. Here’s my week in a nutshell. Enjoy the photos and then go enjoy your weekend.


Photos of Solola Guatemala - Kiva Fellowship
A grandfather talking about his grandson (suit) at his graduation party last weekend.


Photos of Solola Guatemala - Kiva Fellowship
I usually spend Sundays laying in a bed of flowers watching the clouds pass by.


Monday morning at the ADICLA office, just gearing up for the week
Photos of Solola Guatemala – Kiva Fellowship


Photos from Solola Guatemala - Kiva Fellowship
Cruising through the dirt roads of Guatemala on our way to visit a borrower


Photos of Solola Guatamala - Kiva Fellowship
A Kiva borrower showing Juan Carlos his land


Photos from Solola Guatemala
Walking up to a borrowers flower garden in the Guatemalan countryside


Sololá Guatemala
Enjoying an ice cold beer overlooking Lake Atitlán. The perfect end to the week.
See also  FOTO FRIDAY: Sunset in El Rodadero

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