Travel Deeper with Gareth Leonard

Table of Contents

I’m Gareth Leonard and this is a story about leaving behind everything comfortable I knew, in search of a dream… 

I hope you don’t mind if I take a brief pause from the “Travel Deeper Australia” series to bring you the first ever T2T Trailer.

This bad boy is long overdue, but it’s finally time I explain what this site (and YouTube Channel) is all about, in one easy-to-digest video pill.

If you have any questions or comments about what I do, how I travel or how you can get started, please don’t hesitate to email me directly – I love hearing from all of you who have followed along on this journey with me!

As you’ve probably noticed I have shifted my attention towards YouTube, Instagram and Snapchat (@GarethChat) for more frequent updates and accounts of my adventures, so if you aren’t already linked to those channels, jump on it!

Otherwise, enjoy the video and I hope this gives you a better understanding of what, how and why I do what I do.

— The Words —

To live a life filled with passion, substance and adventure.

My goal is to experience the world in an authentic way, by developing meaningful relationships and experiences that will transform me from tourist – someone who knows nothing about a place – to townie – that guy at the end of the bar who knows all the ins and outs of the local life and culture.

So I created in hopes of inspiring people to get off the typical tourist tracks and backpacker trails, and travel deeper.  

From the most remote villages of Bolivia and Nepal… and Australia, to the most epic nightlife of Istanbul and Rio de Janeiro, the idea is to move slower and immerse yourself in foreign cultures. 

See also  Brasilia, The Futuristic Capital [VIDEO]

The further away you go from your comfort zone, the deeper you get, I promise, the more amazing the adventure.

After you watch the video, please remember to give it a “thumbs up,” leave a comment and subscribe to my channel for the next episode of “Travel Deeper Australia” coming next week!

If you have trouble watching the video here, click here to watch Travel Deeper with Gareth Leonard via YouTube.

Thank you.

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