Extreme Sports for Backpackers

Space Jump - Skydiving - Felix Baumgartner
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Space Jump - Skydiving - Felix Baumgartner
Take a page out of Felix Baumgartner’s book and go skydiving!

It’s the trip of a lifetime. You’ll see places you only ever dreamed of, meet some of the most intriguing people anywhere on the planet and be witness to the true wonders of the world. Heading to far-flung destinations with your life on your back will open your eyes and help you learn a lot about yourself. It’s also an opportunity to try things you never even considered at home. Most backpackers will tell you. It’s not a proper trip without some extreme adrenaline fuelled action.

So, if you’re planning your next trip, why not try these on for size? Just don’t forget to get your backpackers travel insurance sorted before you go. Most of the best extreme sports are found in the far flung corners of the world and a site like Google.com/flights is a good place to find your flights.

Bungee jumping

Ok, you might have tried it before. But jumping off a rickety crane at the back of your local pub doesn’t really count. It might be scary (and a little unsafe), but it doesn’t compare to throwing yourself off the side of a mountain or a bridge over icy cold water. It may be a backpacking cliché, but it’s still good fun. For the home of bungee head to Queenstown in New Zealand’s South Island where you’ll find as many as three jumps in the small town, the biggest of which being the Nevis. Jumping 440 feet suspended between two mountains is scary stuff.

Shark diving

This is serious business. You don’t get more adrenaline pumped than getting into the water with great whites. Fortunately, you are in a submersible shark proof cage. We recommend heading to the Eyre Peninsula, Port Lincoln in Australia where Rodney Fox – former filmmaker and shark attack survivor – runs cage diving expeditions.

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Jumping out of a plane is a great leveller. Even the most intrepid of travellers, hardened by a few weeks in the jungles of Southeast Asia or the wilderness of South America will get the fear when faced with the prospect of hurling themselves out of a plane at 40,000 feet. Well, at least you’re strapped to the back of a professional. Top skydiving spots for backpackers include Hawaii, the Fox Glacier in New Zealand, and best of all near Everest in Nepal. If the scenery is stunning, you know it will be worth the fear.

Rock climbing

Wherever you’re heading on your backpacking adventures there’s bound to be the chance to test your strength and love / fear of heights with some rock climbing. Whether you’re a beginner or you’ve got a little more experience scaling the side of a cliff face is a big adrenaline hit. Top sites for backpackers include Krabi in Thailand, the Atacama Desert in Bolivia and the Grampians National Park in Victoria, Australia.

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