A seasoned traveler knows that where you travel to is only a fraction of the experience. How you travel is where the real adventure begins. If you are planning to travel to Latin America, there are lots of transportation options other than car rentals and taxis that will give you a true taste of the local scene.
Such as…

Buses are available in most areas in Latin America that have significant populations. This includes areas that are industrialized as well as areas that are not industrialized. Most areas have a published bus route that you can consult. Most hotel concierge attendants can tell you where the closest local bus stop is located and the average fare. You may have to use multiple buses to get to the location to where you are traveling but that’s just part of the fun! Other areas may not publish the routes, but they list the locations of the route on the bus window.
Motor Bikes

Motor bikes continue to be a top way to travel in densely populated areas in Latin America. They can get around larger vehicles and travel in less time than other modes of transportation. Ask an assistant from the hotel for local motor bike rentals or you can even ask for a personal driver.

ATVs are a good option if you plan on traveling in desert areas or trekking through rain forests or jungles. Before you head to Latin America, take an online ATV safety course if you will be driving the ATV yourself. Learning the basics beforehand will give you a solid foundation of the rules, reducing your risk of injury or getting lost.

Although subways are not readily available in some parts of Latin America, they are often available in large metropolitan areas, such as Buenos Aires and Mexico City. If you plan to stay in the area for a prolonged period of time and plan to use the subway often, get a subway card to save money.
By Foot

In some areas of Latin America, especially areas that are geared for tourism, you can easily access the locations you want to visit by foot. For example, staying in the hotel zone in Cancun or El Acapulco, Mexico, you can easily access restaurants, night life and entertainment options by foot.
Skip the expensive taxis and car rentals by opting for a more affordable and fun form of transportation.